GROWN NATURALLY WITHOUT THE USE OF CHEMICALS AND PESTICIDESThis is our smaller balbs sold for eating.Music Garlic Brought from Italy by AI Music. One of the most popular hard necks. Easy to grow and very cold hardy. Music garlic has a very high content of alicin. Tall plants that finish late producing large bulbs containing 4 to 6 cloves. Clove wrappers have an attractive purple color. Dense, full rich, and medium heat. Spicy raw but mellows to a balanced garlicky flavor when cooked. Hardneck Garlic Porcelain 4-6 Large Cloves/Bulb Robust & very hardy One of the most popular varieties due to taste, vigorous growth, and easy to peel cloves Grows well in Northern States Large impressive bulbs for great market appeal Largest bulbs and plants in the garlic field An Italian variety brought back to Canada by Al Music in the 1980’s from his home land. Garlic flavor: Rich, garlicky, strong, robust and pungent with easy to peel jumbo cloves which are easy to use in the kitchen. Storing: Longer Storing until early springApprox. 24-32 cloves per lb.WE do not use pestisides or herbasides. Note: Garlic is an agricultural crop that is subject to crop loss due to conditions beyond our control. This can even occur in the curing stage.sometimes we have to substitute veriety. if thats not posible we will give a refund.
Music Garlic (Naturally Grown) Eating Garlic Culinary
Product Details
- Botanical Name: Allium sativum 'Music'
- Spacing: 2 - 4 inches apart, in rows 6 inches apart.
- Depth: Divide bulbs into cloves and set 1 - 2 inches deep; plant flat side down.
- Light Required: Full sun.
- Foliage: Onion-like green foliage.
- Zone: 3 - 9
- Soil Requirements: Well-drained, loose, organic soil.
- Pruning: Remove any flower stalks that might form as they will take away energy that is needed to make a large bulb.
- Comments: Cold tolerant and top producer. Stores for 9 - 12 months.